The Top 15 Other Ways to Tell When Spring is Coming 15> Joey Buttafuoco's plummage becomes more colorful and Heidi Fleiss' buttocks become red and enlarged. 14> Jenny McCarthy switches from fur bikini to string bikini. 13> Your cat rolls surface-to-air missiles into position against mockingbirds. 12> The year's first appearance of the Dallas Cowboys before a grand jury. 11> Minneapolis weather forecast downgraded from "really friggin' cold" to "extremely cold." 10> Rush Limbaugh takes off the wool flag and wraps himself in a cotton one. 9> Seasonally correct Dennis Rodman switches back to white pumps and gloves. 8> A warm, gentle funnel cloud picks up the first Tulsa double-wide of the season and drops it near Wichita. 7> TV's Ellen comes out of the closet and doesn't see her shadow. 6> A young man's fancy turns to compulsion to hump everything in sight. 5> All across America -- single women start shaving their legs again. 4> AOL members who joined in December are finally able to get a connection. 3> If Darryl Strawberry stumbles out of a bar and scratches himself, we got us an early spring training. 2> NRA offers reward for carcass of first robin. and the Number 1 Other Way to Tell When Spring is Coming... 1> Soup of the Day: Groundhog Stew